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“We should give no room for the devil to operate in our lives.”

Eph. 4:27

Demonic entities search for a vessel to channel their purpose against the will of God. Though demons cannot possess a born-again child, they can still inhabit them. Your body can potentially be a dwelling where the demons establish their existence. That is if you open the door to them.

To understand how to close the door to demons, we must be aware of the inception.

A Door Opened

Satan plans to oppress and manifest his seeds into the race God made in His image. But his plans were hopeless all until Adam’s fall in Eden. The devil could not have authority over Adam until Eve ate the forbidden fruit, giving him access to taint humankind of his influence. Thus, the door was opened. Even so, the devil can only control your body and not the spirit.

Our bodies are like houses, capable of having more than one spirit residing in them. Like any other house, if pests are scrapping off its infrastructure, the house will gradually wear out and crumble to its demise. You may not be aware of it until your destructive acts start showing cracks in your personality. Many of our actions are dictated by these demonic influences.

Inspecting your house

But how do we identify these pests residing in our household?

The influence of these pests manifests itself through destructive behaviors and wicked acts you carry out daily. Are you experiencing shortcomings, delayed marriage, or barrenness? Chances are, the spirit of infirmities and mischief has invaded your household.

You can also recognize the existence of demonic oppression in your life through dreams., which can be a divine indication of what may be going on in our spiritual environment.

Then He said, “Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream.

Numbers 12:6

Lastly, the sin you commit immediately gives the spirit of that very sin liberty to invade your household, spreading its roots and hindering your deliverance.

“Everyone who sins is a slave of sin.”

John 8:34

Even though you may have asked for pardon for your sin, it does not entirely exude the spirit from your household.

But how do we exterminate these mice and roaches from ruining the house gifted to us by God?

Closing the door shut

No matter how infested your body is with demonic spirits and oppression, you hold the key for locking them outside, shutting their access entirely.

Prayer is one of the most effective armor to utilize for protection from these demonic entities. We have been taught that prayer is essential, but we have not been taught how to pray effectively. The more specific prayer is, the more effective it is against fighting the spirit oppressing you.

David Okumgba’s A Handbook of Self Deliverance provides the perfect plan of action to eliminate the existence of demons in your life. It provides prayers potent against manifestations of evil in your life.

You can cement your spiritual foundation by:

  • Praying daily
  • Reading and studying the Bible daily
  • Attending church regularly
  • Walking in obedience to God’s word
  • Spreading the Word
  • Demons are constantly on the prowl to keep you from your potential. It is essential to remind yourself that your body is yours, so is the door, and you hold the key to the entrance.

Order A Handbook of Self Deliverance now!

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