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esus asked him, “What is your name?” “Legion,” he replied because many demons had gone into him. Luke 8:30 The Bible has documented numerous instances of demons throughout its course. For where is good, there is bound to be evil to oppose it. Demons are distorted spirits without the ability to operate in the tangible world without a host. Some distance from them, a large herd of pigs was feeding. The demons begged Jesus, “If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.” Matthew 8:30 We can see a disconnect from the demons when it comes to the world. The demons preferred a filthy host to reside in as a place of comfort from Christ’s punishment. Despite their supernatural nature, demons possess human characteristics—each with a personality of its own. Hence, a demon-possessed individual demonstrates the attributes of the demon present inside them. Some monsters are fallen angels who went astray from God’s path, whereas others were manifested without bodies to aid Lucifer.

But where did it all begin?


At the beginning of the earth, God designated Adam to rule over the Garden of Eden. Demons and the devil were unable to use Adam as a vessel. This is because God designed the natural world in a way that left demons helpless in communication with a man without a physical body. There was no way the devil could taint Adam’s thoughts or invade them. Adam couldn’t even recognize these influences as he was created without knowing evil. He was truly innocent and did not even understand the concept of shame even when he was stripped of his clothes along with Eve after eating the Forbidden Fruit. What broke the communication barrier was Eve’s obedience to what the devil spoke. He was able to join her thoughts which resulted in the fall. Adam, after the fall, was possessed by demons. The spirits that invaded a once innocent body numbered fear, shame, inadequacy, slander, lying, rebellion, idolatry, rejection, lust, manipulation, death, hindrance, pain, pride, selfishness, irresponsibility, etc. This gave birth to man’s ties with demons, which still taints humanity.


Now it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful, and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.

Genesis 6: 1-2

The spread of demonic oppression is no less than an epidemic. The devil succeeded in inhabiting Adam’s body, but he wanted more. To spread his resolve unto Adam’s generations, he decided to create a hybrid, devil-man race by having demons mate with women. The proofs of which we have seen as we walk along Biblical history. Goliath was 13 feet tall; Og, the King of Bashan, was a giant who dwelled in an 18 feet long and 8 feet wide body.

Demonic oppression in the modern era

In today’s world, we see demonic oppression run amuck, destroying families and causing depression and anger around society. It hinders your ability to thrive and receive deliverance from God. God allows this oppression unless your resolve rebukes the devil for his doings. The devil established a connection to humanity through the serpent, but God leaves it to society itself to break it. To read more on the origins of demons, demonic oppression, and how to seek deliverance, get your copy of David Okumgba’s A Handbook of Self Deliverance by clicking the link.

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