Spiritual Warfare — The Operations Of Demons: Explained!
19 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that — and shudder James 2:19 Operation and oppression Demons have sought to tarnish God’s work in…
“We should give no room for the devil to operate in our lives.” Eph. 4:27 Demonic entities search for a vessel to channel their purpose against the will of God.…
Meeting In The Middle-Difference Between Demon Possession Or Psychopathology?
And someone from the crowd answered him, "Teacher, I brought my son to you, for he has a spirit that makes him mute. And whenever it seizes him, it throws…
A City In An Anthill-Testimony Of A Demonized Woman, Mama Toyin
Mama Toyin’s father could not produce a child from his six wives, and when he married his seventh, who already had a son, the chances looked promising. But after failing…
Seeds Of Demonic Influence—Crossbreeding Of Angels And Humans
The fall of Adam bridged the connection between humanity and the devil. Satan gained the ability to poison and take control of man’s flesh, but this was just one idea…
esus asked him, “What is your name?” “Legion,” he replied because many demons had gone into him. Luke 8:30 The Bible has documented numerous instances of demons throughout its course.…
Free from oppression, or are we? Analyzing evidence of demonic oppression
As Christians, it is easy to assume that we are free from all spiritual invasions. The invasions originate from external forces that try to lead us astray from God. Because…