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As Christians, it is easy to assume that we are free from all spiritual invasions. The invasions originate from external forces that try to lead us astray from God. Because we were chosen by God to serve him, we are granted a reserved seat in the kingdom of Heaven.

The truth is that a Christian who is renewed in Christ cannot be possessed, but act as host for the hostile spirit to reside. The Bible accounts for numerous instances where demonic inhibitions and oppressions take place.

Ironically, in the New Testament, the word “demonic possession” didn’t even exist. Yet, there were references to “gods” or “Elohim.” Unclean spirits were known to leave its host deaf, mute, violent and evil.


Paul in Romans 7, vents about his encounter with demonic possession. He was torn between the actions he wanted to do and what he didn’t. Finding himself held by a force keeping him captive. Have you ever done something that you swore you’d never do? An addiction that you promised you’d never revert back to or that you’d never be angry at your spouse? Have these instances kept you from your goal?

It is not that Paul was hindering himself from his blessing and freedom, but the sin that dwelled in him. Similarly, it is not you who are being an obstacle to success, but the evident demon inside you.

Saul, the centurion’s had an unclean spirit invade his body after his disobedience toward God. The spirit of the Lord abandoned him when he refused to obey His orders. What’s interesting is, that Saul’s vulnerability to demonic oppression was due to the acts he performed on his own accord.

Sometimes we give in to immoral practices easily and are left with guilt and self-sabotage. What’s also crucial to note is that God allowed this to happen. God tests you if you would give in to the temptation of anger, sexual immorality and lying.

Hence, if there is biblical evidence of demonic invasions, how was this issue coped with?


The benchmark of biblical references to stories related to Jesus Christ. He regarded exorcisms as one of the methods of the healing process. Sowing a seed of realization for onlookers to see the glory of God. He was seen dismissing or ridding demons from their host with a single command.

And He healed many who were ill with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and He was not permitting the demons to speak, because they knew who He was.

Mark 1:34

Through the words of Christ, His teachings and wisdom, we can too rid ourselves of demonic oppression. We saw Him make the blind see, the lame walk, and the dead, breathe. All through His words. And the Word is available to us.


You may be unaware of your own demonic possession. Unable to pursue the thing you want the most? Chances are, it’s the filthiness of the demonic contamination that is clouding your vision. Preventing you from reaching your goal. Despite numerous efforts to keep your sacraments, there may be many invaded areas in your life that are possessed. Acceptance is key. Submit to the Lord and move forward into his teachings and your inevitable deliverance from demonic oppression.

David Okumgba’s A Handbook of Self Deliverance beautifully elaborates on how to identify and rid yourself from demonic oppression from your daily life, get your copy by clicking the link.

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